Hi, I’m Laura Thain Founder of Optimise Talent Coaching

I’m motivated by inspiring others to love what they do for work & I’d love to show you what that can look like in your world

Are we a good fit to work together?

The leaders I work with are;

  • Passionate about their reputation, results and impact

  • Ready to do commit to being their best self

  • Growth minded and strive for high performance

  • Perform best when their wellbeing is cared for

  • See that they have a responsibility to lead with contagious energy, authenticity, and confidence

  • Don’t take themselves too seriously, and love to laugh

Sound like you?

What do I bring to your coaching sessions?

  • 19 years experience consulting with leaders globally

  • 14 years personal leadership experience in Global firms navigating the high’s and low’s

  • An ability to hear what’s not being said and make sense of the ‘mess’

  • A light-hearted approach (I don’t take myself too seriously!)

  • International Coach Federation (ICF) Certified Coach

  • PRINT Certified Coach

Follow The Contagious Leader Podcast

You get eye-opening personal insights as we leverage the power of PRINT®

A 10-15 minute statistically validated online survey with the power to change everything for you.

The PRINT® approach, is used to enhance understanding of the way people react and how they relate by explaining the “why” behind their behavior.

Why people act as they do, why they make certain choices, why they are attracted to certain things and why they function better in certain situations than others. These insights are invaluable to ensuring high levels of confidence, motivation and fulfilment.

  • ''I don't feel trapped anymore by the Catch-22 situation I was in, of needing time & headspace to explore other options while struggling desperately to perform a role I felt overwhelmed in.''

    Lionel, Past Client

  • ''I'm finding this such a valuable process and experience. I really appreciate your guidance and have found the PRINT survey results and the other tools you've provided to be a fantastic framework and to focus my thinking.''

    Cara, Past Client

  • “Despite being sceptical about coaching I gave it go and have found the time spent with Laura really helpful and useful. I learned a lot about myself and have so much to work on and put in practice.''

    Ana, Past Client

Unsure which program is right for you or need help with something else? Book A Success Strategy Call and I’ll help you out